Sunday, December 20, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Virtual Sunset at Stonehenge

 Go to Stonehenge might be on the bucket list (#17) but due to budget and pandemic constraints that is not happening any time soon. However, watch the sunset or sunrise at Stonehenge at the solstice is not on the bucket list. I have no idea it was supposed to be really neat and line up perfectly. Good thing Facebook enlightened me of this and allowed me to watch in real time.

The English Heritage Facebook page was livestreaming the sunset on December 20th and the Sunrise on December 21st. With the time difference, the sunset was around 10 am Wisconsin time on Sunday but the sunrise was at like 2 am Monday morning. There was no way I was going to watch a virtual sunrise in the middle of the night. 

The virtual sunset, like any sunset, was a lot of nothing but watching the sun dip lower in the sky. I am not sure what the fuss about sunsets and sunrises (even moonrises and moonsets) is but they do generate some pretty pictures. I don't usually have the patience to sit around and watch the sun sink lower in the sky.. and I didn't today either. Luckily being virtual I could multitask.

The way the sun lined up with the stones at Stonehenge was impressive. I kind of see what the fuss is about Stonehenge and the Solstice. 

I'm glad it worked that I saw the sunset but if it didn't, I probably won't have been upset. It was cool to see but I think in person it would have been even better albeit a whole lot colder.  

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