Saturday, December 26, 2020

HBL #1: See the ruins of JFK Prep in St. Nazianz

 The hubby has a mental bucket list (HBL) and will randomly tell my things he wants to check out... sometimes when we are headed some place. One of these places was JFK Prep in St. Nazianz. We were on the way back home and he decided to make the turn down the road that would lead us to St. Nazianz saying he wanted to check out JFK Prep but didn't know how to get there. Google maps to the rescue. It was actually easy to find.

JFK Prep was once Salvatorian Seminary in St. Nazianz before the 1960s. Once the seminary closed, it became known as JFK Prep from 1968-1982. In the 1970s, the basketball team was coached by Marty Crowe. His son, Mickey Crowe, played for the team and set a state record of 2,724 points scored in his career. This is the reason why the hubby wanted to see JFK prep. He wanted to see where Mickey Crowe played. 

There is not much left of the old seminary or prep school. Most of the grounds lay in ruins. The main building is currently home to the St. Nazianz Christian Center. They have a re-sale shop in the basement of the building. I am surprised we didn't check it out just to say we were in the building.

The old church still stands as well as a small grotto.

We actually have a few personal connections to the school. One of the guys the hubby officiates with went there as well as his dad. He was texting the hubby stories and recollections of his time there. He said he tries to go back once a year to walk the grounds.

A distant cousin of mine went there (my mom's cousin's son). He got into the wrong crowd in Milwaukee and his parents sent him there. My grandma and her sister went to a dinner there as well when my cousin was in school. 

Many of the hubby's bucket list items usually find their way onto my bucket list but not all of them. This was an unique stop and I'm glad he took me out there to see it. I didn't even know the place existed. Apparently it's haunted. 

Stay tuned for more HBL adventures in the future whenever he decides to stop at some place he wants to see. 

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