Saturday, April 29, 2017

#6030. Drink from a coconut

On our ride to the hotel, the boss lady said that people would sell coconuts and snacks in the middle of the highway in the afternoon on the way home from work. I thought it would be cool to get a fresh coconut but I never saw one any of the times we actually took the highway... people selling chips and electronics but no coconuts.

However after MT and I went to San Jose for the afternoon, we decided to grab dinner at Bulali (or "Pinterestland" calls it) since I haven't been there yet and they had swings. I wanted to sit on the swings. 

Initially I ordered a frozen caramel Cappuccino and MT ordered coconut water. Thinking he'd get a glass of coconut water, I was quite surprised when a coconut with a straw poked through it arrived. I honestly didn't expect an actual coconut. Since I wasn't a big fan of my frozen cappuccino (or dinner for that matter, I decided to order a coconut water as well.

Honestly, I am not sure what the fuss is all about with coconut water. I don't really think it tastes very good. Yeah, it looks cool to be drinking from a coconut but I'd rather have a milkshake or something. It definitely doesn't taste like coconut. Maybe that is my problem.. I wanted it to taste like coconut. It actually kind of tastes like dirt. 

Will I get it again? Perhaps. I do like being able to poke a hole with my straw in a coconut but does the "cool" factor outweigh the taste? Maybe. Now if I'm offered an umbrella drink served in a coconut, I definitely won't say no to that.

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