Saturday, December 12, 2020

5010. See the lights on Candy Cane Lane in West Allis

 After we went to the lights in Miller Valley, we headed over to Candy Cane Lane in West Allis. I have been to Candy Cane Lane since my freshman year of college when I went with Mary and Scott. We are talking over 20 years. 

Candy Cane Lane is roughly a 4 block area in West Allis where every house is decked out in Christmas lights. It is between 92nd and 96th Streets and Montana and Oklahoma Avenues. The route is marked by trees covered with white and red plastic to look like candy canes. 

Traffic on the weekend to turn in on one of the main streets can be backed up quite a ways. Locals know the back ways into Candy Cane Lane which is what we did. You can also park and walk the entire route which probably allows you to get better pictures since you aren't dealing with cars coming in the other direction.

Back in 1998, most houses had either those plastic light up figures or wooden cut out characters with a spot light. The lights were mainly colored with bigger bulbs. 

This year there are many inflatable characters, white lights, Star Wars, and more elaborate displays. There is still colored lights and wooden cut outs. There is definitely something for everyone.

Stacy and I joked about there being a special company where you can customize the Christmas inflatables. We saw a taco truck decked out for Christmas and a VW Van decked out for Christmas.

Candy Cane Lane runs through December 27th so if you are looking something to do, go check it out. I would think during the week would be less busy than during the week. 

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