Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Painless Painting Fun

I saw that Menasha library was doing a paint night in conjunction with Rooster Dreams. It was free. Rooster Dreams does paint parties and makes it really easy to create a masterpiece with stencils, step by step instructions, and even pointers. I felt I could totally handle this kind of painting and it probably be better than my Bob Ross Painting.

When I got to the library, I was pleasantly surprised to see that we literally had to paint a pre-drawn canvas. At each station was a drawing of flowers and a palate of colors. Kristine gave us a few pointers such as what side of the canvas to make sure your paint and water were and basically told us to have fun.

It was refreshing to actually be able to paint a picture without worrying about how it's going to turn out since Kristine took out 80% of my problem... creating the image. I just had to paint. I could mix colors and blend colors to my heart's content since the image was already there. I really only had one regret on the first flower. I didn't like the colors I chose thus not really liking the way it turned out. I reminded me too much of a taco

When we were done, Kristine sent us home with instructions to outline the flowers with black Sharpie to make them pop. And pop they did.

I have to say this probably the best painting I've done since my middle school Coca-Cola can. I would do this again either at the library or at Rooster Dreams again. I can totally handle painting between the lines.

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