Monday, March 4, 2019

Fearing the Deer in Phoenix

Watching the Bucks game last week, I heard the announcer say "The Bucks begin a five game west coast trip". Wait a minute... Phoenix is in the West.

Me: Ok Google When does the Bucks play the Suns Next?
Google: The Bucks play the Suns on Monday, March 4.

I didn't say anything to the hubby yet. I wanted to check ticket prices. He's been wanting to go to a Bucks game but tickets are ridiculous because they are so good. After a quick search tickets started at $20.

I finally let the hubby in on this plan and he was like we have to go. One problem we had dinner planned with my parents and uncle. Quick e-mail to mom, fixed that problem... Early dinner and then the Bucks game for us.  Until the hubby say the fees Ticketmaster wanted to charge us. Luckily I reasoned with him. He couldn't get 1 ticket in Milwaukee for what we were going to pay ($85) for two tickets, parking, and fees.

By the time we got downtown and parked, the game was in the second quarter. It was pretty easy to get to Talking Stick Resort Arena. Since we had tickets on the app, they actually gave us a print out with our seats to make it easy to find.

We had nose-bleed seats and it caused a few issues with the hubby getting up to the seats. We were behind the basket. For nose-bleeds they were really good. However, it was freezing in the arena. I wish I wore pants.

The game sucked. The bucks forgot how to play. They blew the lead a couple times. I am not a big basketball fan but it was cool to see Giannis play and Bledsoe move up and down the court. It was too bad they lost but we were there and got to see them play.

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