Tuesday, April 2, 2019

798. Get hit in the face with a pie

As an incentive at work, I decided if we met the goal for the month anyone who got 100% on their next evaluation, I would let them throw a pie at me. We were struggling to meet goal and figured this would be a fun way to motivate everyone. Ops thought it was a great idea. Everyone else would rather eat the pie than hit me in the face with it. I guess I am too nice.

We met goal and pie in the face was on. Ops decided that shaving cream was a better choice than whipped cream so I didn't end up smelling sour milk all day. I guess eating soap was better?!?!

Armed with Barbosol, paper plates, tarp, ponchos, hair nets, wrap-around sunglasses, paper towels, and surgical masks and after I enlisted the training team's help, set up a pie throwing station outside. It was windy so we had to find a spot where the building blocked us.

The trainers started things off and we realized throwing shaving cream pies weren't that successful so smushing it in my face was the preferred method. I am glad I grabbed a surgical mask from security to cover my mouth. 

One person actually got throw a real pie at me. I bought a mini pie at Walmart to throw. She was afraid of hurting me and gently smashed it in my face. It was quite tasty. I did take the mask off for that one.

Some people were very delighted to throw a pie (or two) in my face.

Others were like I'm only doing this because you told me to and I'm sorry.

I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't want to so don't worry about being mean. I actually told one person to think I was Brian Urlacher since she was a HUGE Packer's fan. 

I had a blast. I would do it again. Pudding and whipped cream would be my pies of choice in the future. Shaving cream is just too heavy. 

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