Saturday, March 9, 2019

119. Go to Hermann, MO

When we had to replan our route back home, I told the hubby I wanted to stop in Hermann, MO on the way home from Jefferson City. He agreed... mainly because he liked the name.

Hermann is a small town about an hour from Jefferson City or 90 minutes from St. Louis along the Missouri River. It was settled by Germans which is probably why it was on the bucket list to begin with. It is also in the heart of Missouri wine country.

When we got to Hermann it was pouring rain and it was too early to do anything. Besides based on the forecast, we wanted to get back to Wisconsin before the weather turned nasty. I'm surprised we even detoured to Hermann.

Even though we didn't actually get out of the car, we did a mini self-driving tour of the downtown area. The Deutschheim State Historic Site would have been our first stop if the weather was going to cooperate. It provides a view into German-American history and how the Germans settled this area. There are buildings from the 1840s and 1850s, you could stroll through.

Another interesting building I would have loved to visit was the Hermann Fire Company Museum. It is currently part museum and part visitor center. We would have had to contact the fire chief to actually view the museum but peeking in the large windows would have been fine by me.

On top of the hill as we headed out of town was the Gasconade County Courthouse. It sat majestically on top of the hill overlooking the town.

I'd love to come back when we actually have time, explore the buildings, hit a few wineries, and a slept in a tree house. It's a quaint little town that if you are ever in the area, I would suggest checking it out. Hopefully you'll be able to explore some of the historical sites.

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