Wednesday, March 6, 2019

2019 Baseball Stadium Tour -- Camelback Ranch

Our final stadium we visited this spring training was Camelback Ranch in Phoenix. It is the home of the Dodger and White Sox Spring Training. It seems the White Sox mainly play day games out there and most of the Dodger games are night games.

Camelback Ranch is easy to go to. It's almost in Glendale. Parking is free and it offers free WiFi and actually tells you how to get into it. The other parks may offer free WiFi but none provided the magical password to get in.

Camelback Ranch is really geared towards the Dodgers. It looks like Dodger Stadium with it's yellow seats. Along the left field fence is all the retired Dodger numbers. Along the right field fence is all the retired Sox Numbers. It's a great park to walk around in.

Since Camelback Ranch is the home of the Dodgers, there are of course Dodger Dogs. Of course we had to have our first Dodger Dog. Honestly, it's not all that impressive. It like any other hot dog except it's a foot long. There isn't much seating outside of the actual seating bowl to enjoy your food.

Our seats were down in autograph ally, down in the left field corner. They were smart when they built Camelback ranch. They left standing room in the first two rows to accommodate all the autograph hounds. The usher was very nice and told us to let him know if the autograph hounds were in our way. Honestly, there were not until the teenie bopper girls showed up trying to get autographs during the game. They were rude and pushy. The families beforehand were great. The one family from Montana thanked us for letting try to get autographs.

I can tell you the Indians and the Dodgers played. There was pitching and hitting. Some runs were scored. That's about it. After awhile they all start blending together.

Both teams had to walk by us to go to the clubhouses. Some of them were friendly.. others were just plain rude and ignored the fans.

We definitely want to go back to Camelback Ranch. Honestly there haven't any parks we wouldn't go back to during spring training so far. All of them are great. I'm looking forward to see which spring training parks we hit next year.

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