Thursday, March 7, 2019

3399. Go to the Petroglyph National Monument

When I planned our trip home from spring training, I had us stopping at four National Parks. However when we started having car problems and decided a trip home through southern Colorado wasn't the best idea, we could only stop at one. I really wanted to see the Petroglyph National Monument near Alburqueque as petroglyphs fascinated me.

Petroglyph National Monument is actually spread across four different parks within 20 miles of the Visitor Center. The only thing at the visitor center is information, a few interesting displays, and a chance to stamp your National Park Passport. They also have maps on how to get to the other sites.

We opted for Boca Negra Canyon. It is the closest to the visitor center and offered several short trails to see petroglyphs. The hubby was a bit concerned when we drove into the park and saw the first trail. I advised him to keep driving. We parked in a small parking lot and headed to the trails.

As soon as we got out the car, we saw petroglyphs. We opted for one trail and wandered for a bit. It was very windy so climbing higher was not really an option. The hubby was freaking out every time I wanted to go higher. There were stairs and marked paths for me to climb so I could get picture. You can tell he's not a hiker.

Even though we probably spent 15-20 minutes at Boca Canyon and saw quite a few petroglpyphs. You could spend an hour exploring all the paths and seeing up to 100 petroglyphs. Other sites have more strenuous trails that take longer but you also get to see more petroglphs.

Yes, I would have loved to spend more time climbing and exploring but between a tight time table and the wind it was just not possible. Maybe one day. However, if you're in the area, I would check out Petroglyph National Monument and see the ancient drawings on the rocks.

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