Thursday, January 3, 2019

I am no Bob Ross

Kimberly-Little Chute Library was having a paint like Bob Ross night.I hemmed and hawed about if I wanted to spend the $10 to paint. At the end I decided that it was something to do and I had nothing better to do while the hubby was at basketball.

To help us to paint like Bob Ross, we were provided Bob Ross wigs if we wanted one.

We had step by step instructions from You Tube how to paint with shades of grey. The librarian would play a step of the painting a couple of times and we were supposed to paint what Bob told us to paint with the right color/brush. He took us from a white canvas to a beautiful mountain scene... or should have.

We had to mix blue and brown to make grey... apparently Bob used special paint to get his grey because initially mine was a lovely blue-green. However with enough paint, I managed to get a grey color. Why couldn't we just use black and white. Plus we had to have a dark and light grey.

We had to make clouds to start off.. well my clouds went light and fluffy but more stormy and angry. I couldn't get my clouds to look like clouds. I think I had too much paint on my brush.

The mountains were slightly easier... until we had to start shadowing. I can't shadow to save my life. Everything is very one-dimensional with me. It went from mountains to waves crashing on rocks.

We had to add trees then. I couldn't figure out how Bob was making his trees so I made my own.. itty bitty trees that blended into the background mainly because I was over this whole painting thing by then (we were there for over an hour already) and my painting looked nothing like Bob's. I pretty much gave up.

I tried to make it a little more like Bob's mountain scene but every time I tried to "fix" I just made it worse and I was completely done. While everyone was adding more trees and shadows, I was done.

The wig definitely did not help. It was fun to wear but I don't think even Bob Ross standing next to me guiding my hand could help my lack of art skills. Needless to say, painting scenery is not my thing. Maybe they could do some sort of pop art. I might be able to handle that. Or maybe a Picasso.

So next time the library offers painting night, someone remind me I am no Bob Ross and it might be better to stick with basket weaving and print making.

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