Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Virtual Cheese Tasting

Carroll sent me an email with their upcoming virtual alum events. One of them was a virtual cheese tasting with an alumni who was a food chemist. I love cheese.. especially good cheese. Discovering new cheeses is fun.

We were sent a grocery list about a week before the event of the different kind of cheeses to buy: Mild and Sharp Cheddar, Brie, Havarti, and Parmesan. I've had Cheddar before and grated Parmesan. Brie would be a new experience as I didn't tend to go with soft cheeses. Havarti would be a new one as well but I've heard good things about it. I refused to get mild cheddar. I am not a big fan and the hubby only likes extra sharp, especially Extra Sharp Vermont White Cheddar which is what I used. The hubby kind of freaked out on the price of the Havarti. I told him it's a good cheese and I will eat it all.

I cut the cheese the day before and put them in bags. I cut some Parmesan but grated most of it. Fresh grated Parmesan is so much better. The brie came in cute little wedges so I left those alone.

The event was really well done. John had a power point presentation about the cheese making process especially the science behind cheese making. Apparently we were supposed to print all the hand outs and not just the cheese tasting one. Oops. My Bad. John would review a few slides and then we would taste a cheese. There was time for discussion after each tasting as well.

Apparently, like wine, there is a proper way to taste cheese. Smell it and then bite off a piece and mush it around your mouth to get all the flavor before swallowing. I didn't do so well at that.

My thoughts on the cheese

Kroger Private Selection Vermont Extra Sharp White Cheddar -- If this wasn't any good, I wouldn't be buying one or two blocks every week for the hubby. I'm not a huge fan of extra sharp cheddar but this stuff is really good. I do find it a bit crumbly when trying to slice it.

Castello Havarti -- This one is nice and creamy and a bit nutty. It would be amazing in grilled cheese. It is in the same family as brick which I like as well. The hubby tried this one and found it acceptable.

Sartori Classic Parmesan -- This was very hard to cut. Instead of using my cheese slicer, I had to use a knife. It is also very nutty and kind of smells like feet. A slice of it isn't bad but I prefer the grated stuff. I will finish up the few slices I cut but will stick to grating it in the future.

President Brie -- I was very scared to try this. I did eat it with pretzels. My initial reaction was that I wasn't a huge fan. Everyone said it was better with warmed up with jam on top. Note: I do like it to eat it with pretzels as a snack now.

I am glad that this event was offered and it was fun trying new cheeses. They were all good but the Havarti is a new favorite along with the Brie. I hear that Carroll is doing a virtual wine tasting at the end of August. I will have to think about that one. In the mean time, maybe I will have to set up my own cheese tasting party.

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