Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Eating with Austen

I found an event on Facebook (big shock I know) called Eating with Austen which would discuss what the people ate and drank in the time of Jane Austen. Now I am not a big fan of Jane Austen. I read Pride and Prejudice in high school. The event sounded interesting enough and I really didn't have much going on except a cheese tasting later in the day. 

The Event was put on by Jane Austen Co. It was essentially a lecture about eating and drinking in Jane Austen's time. The presenter, KC, went through a Powerpoint presentation buying. preparing, and eating food in the late 1700's in Britain.

Although it was could be interesting to the right people, I found it incredibly boring. I was not prepared for a lecture. I was hoping for something a little more entertaining. The old cookbooks were interesting as many of the time did not read or write.

The best part of the presentation was the recipes KC prepared to show us. There was a summer berry cordial, a biscuit, and a jello mold. Even though the Jello Mold sounded scary, it looked really good and KC assured us it wasn't that difficult. The recipes can be found here.

It was not the most exciting hour or so I spent so far in quarantine but at least it was something and I was able to multi-task fairly easily. If you are a Jane Austen fan, check out their Facebook page for more events and information. Me, I stick with more current books and groups like the Friends and Fiction.

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