Monday, June 22, 2020

5286. Walk the suspension footbridge in Richland Center

When researching the Southwest County road trip, I really wanted to do something in Richland and Vernon counties. There was not a whole on my bucket list in either of these counties and google actually didn't help much either. One of the things I did find that sounded interesting and was open, was the footbridge in Richland Center. I told the hubby he can stay in the car since he is not fan of bridges.

This was the one thing I was really looking forward to doing so I was hoping the rain was going to hold off until I managed to cross the footbridge which it did.

The Mapleside Footbridge was constructed in 1912. Most of the bridge was destroyed in a flood in 1951. It was rebuilt using some of the original lumber and pilings.

The bridge is located in West Side park and crosses the Pine River. There is street parking. You can also access the bridge from the other side as well.

To reach the bridge, you must walk down a relatively steep hill and the back up to get back to your car.

The bridge is very scenic and does sway slightly as you walk across it.

This was definitely the high point of my day. It was a fun and great to escape the car for a short time. I was the only there so there was no need to social distance. If you ever find yourself in Richland Center, I would highly suggest you stop and stroll across the bridge. It is also a good photo opportunity.

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