Monday, June 22, 2020

5260. See the animals at the parking lot of the FAST Corp in Sparta

By now you know that I enjoy weird road side attractions. I try to find at least one a trip but sometimes with the hubby it is difficult to convince him to stop at these oddities. This trip was no exception.

I saw we were going to by Sparta on the way home. I figured we could swing by the FAST Corp parking lot. Initially the hubby was hesitant because of time restraints. As we started heading home, he decided we could take the detour once I kind of explained what this place was.

The FAST Corporation makes fiberglass statues and water park attraction. The parking lot is the die-cast graveyard. It is open to the public as long as you watch out for wasp nests in the ground.

Of course it was raining so we didn't get out of the car since parts of it was muddy potholes. We did to see several cool pieces. The hubby was even impressed.

It is a very neat place to see if you are out that way. It is just off highway 21 so it's an easy detour. I would love to go back and wander around the place to see all the really cool molds they have.

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