Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Cary Library Romance Hour

Somewhere I came across an event for a library event with Susan Elizabeth Phillips and Kristin Higgins at the Cary Library. I have read a few of Susan Elizabeth Phillips' books over the years and I may have even read Kristin Higgins at one point in time.

Because both authors had book birthdays today, the library thought it was a great to have both of them on together. It was a good time. They were a few technical issues but it made the event even more real and we all know technology isn't the greatest at times.

They talked about their books, how they are surviving the pandemic, and touched on the events that are going on around the country. They talked about their writing process and how they started their writing careers. Both have been writing for years.

It was a good virtual event. We hung out virtually for almost 90 minutes. It was very relaxing. It was fun to see that these authors aren't always "perfect" on virtual talks. They fidget, have people or pets appear in the camera. We got to see Kristin's husband. These are the things you don't get to see when you are at a live event.

These virtual events are also a fun way to visit other libraries across the country. I may have to keep searching for different libraries and virtual events across the country. Maybe something other than author talks...

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