Saturday, June 6, 2020

6583. Watch a little league game

Baseball is back! Okay so Major League Baseball and the players can't agree on terms for the season so who knows if we will see the Brewers play this year but local teams are starting to practice and play. I know in the Fox Valley many teams aren't starting until July but in West Bend they started right after Memorial Day.

Because the weather was nice out and the hubby was sleeping, I took the opportunity to scout out West Bend little league and watch my nephew, J, play. I wanted to see how the umpires were set up, what social distancing was taking place, and what the fields looked like. So part recon mission for the hubby as well.

J's game was at 11:45 at the Little League Complex in West Bend which wasn't too hard to find even if I made a wrong turn (with the GPS). It is actually a very nice complex. It has several lighted diamonds with restrooms and concessions. I was shocked to see the restrooms and concessions both open. My brother did say they did cut back on the menu and there were Xs on the ground to keep 6 feet apart. I did not visit either.

The game was as thrilling as any nine year old baseball can be. Hits that don't make it out of the infield, wildly thrown balls, passed balls by the catcher. They did have 2 umpires but both were in the field. The home plate umpire called balls and strikes behind the pitcher. His zone was horrible as he called a strike three on J when the ball was over his head. I guess that's what the league wants.

I was really surprised to see nine year olds pitching off a mound. I know nine is when they start kid pitch but up here they all pitch off the rubber like softball. They don't normally pitch off a mound until 13 unless they play 50-70 Cal Ripken at 11 or 12 then they start throwing from the mound. It was very interesting to watch these little kids throwing off a mound.

People followed social distancing to an extent. Families sat together and for the most part other families stayed six feet away. Kids not batting couldn't be in the dugout and had to go sit in the bleachers. They sat together in the bleachers which defeated the purpose. The bleachers were open to fans but not many were sitting in them. Most brought their own chairs.

It was a great day for baseball. It was great being back at a diamond. The hubby's schedule is still pretty light this month but he does have several games scheduled. Soon, hopefully, things will be back in full swing and the calendar will be full of games. And maybe, just maybe the Brewers will play baseball too.

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