Monday, June 22, 2020

5164. Go to Granddad’s Bluff in La Crosse

When planning our Southwest County Road trip, I realized we were only 40 minutes from La Crosse and we might as make our way over to La Crosse.

The one thing I wanted to do was go to Granddad Bluff. I figured it was a hubby approved activity and social distancing friendly activity. I figured we'd drive to the top and then check out the look out.

However, Mother Nature had other ideas. It POURED buckets plus it was foggy.. and the umbrellas were still at home.

We did drive to the top. It is a very pretty drive. It reminded me of the ride in the rain forests of Costa Rica.

We did not walk to the overlook since we had no umbrellas. I meant to grab the umbrellas but somehow forgot them. I did get out to take a picture of the sign.

Well now we need to go back to La Crosse and actually see the overlook of the bluff. I won't mind do that drive again to the top or maybe I will hike it.

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