Saturday, February 20, 2021

How To Throw a Lasagna Party

 Danielle wanted lasagna and invited several people over for a lasagna dinner party. Here are my instructions to throw a lasagna party

1. Invite a bunch of people over asking them to bring an appetizer, wine, dessert, etc

2. Make an insanely huge pan of lasagna.

3. When everyone arrives, gorge oneself on appetizers leaving no room for the insanely large pan of lasagna while drinking wine

4. Send everyone home with leftover lasagna.

Wait you mean we are supposed actually eat the lasagna at the dinner party? Well, then I'd suggest you not tell Janis to make an Italian charcuterie board full of yummy bite size snacking goodness.

The Charcuterie Board 

When Janis asked what she could bring, I said to make a charcuterie board. She makes awesome charcuterie boards.

The board was filled with salami, ham in lieu of prosciutto, fresh mozzarella, almonds, raspberries, Italian bread, pears, Parmesan, cream cheese with pepper jam, and olives. It was great combination of items to make stackable appetizers of your choosing. The tang of the pepper jam made everything so much better.

The Fruit Platter of Sorts

Erin decided she would bring the fruit so I could try a new fruit. Unable to find starfruit, she brought dragon fruit. Besides dragon fruit, there were blueberries, strawberries, grapes, and honey dew melon. 

The Wine

Danielle, Janis, and I all brought wine. Danielle stuck with dry reds that work well with Italian. Janis brought standard box of Franzia white. I brought the Red Moscato that I got in Lynchburg  The Red Mosacato was not as good I as I remembered it. It was pretty sweet and I actually made it into a spitzer with some champagne. We definitely did not go through all that wine. I limited to one glass since I had to drive home and have dinner with grandma. 

The Lasagna

The lasagna that we didn't eat was roaster pan for of Italian goodness. I can't give away all of Danielle's secrets but it does have both ground beef and ground sausage in it and lots of cheese. 

We didn't let sit long enough before cutting so it was not perfectly cake like. 

We also had Brazilian cheese balls that Danielle made. I attempted my garlic knots and their were an epic fail. I guess that recipe was not supposed to be double. They would just not get done. I finally gave up and headed over to Danielle's with half cooked garlic knots that made it in the garbage can.

Erin also brought some yummy chocolaty peanut butter bars for dessert which did get entered with our snacking.

Even though we didn't eat the lasagna and half of us had to leave early, it was a great afternoon. We had a chance to catch up, enjoy each other's company, and eat some good food. We definitely to have more of these dinner parties.

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