Saturday, February 27, 2021

4901. See the ice formations at Cave Point in Door County

I had a friend go to Wequiock Falls and post pictures of the frozen waterfall. I wanted to see the frozen waterfall before it melted. I messaged Shannon asking if they wanted to go to Wequiock with me. She agreed and asked if I wanted to go to Cave Point in Door County as well. I was like I will never pass an opportunity to go to Cave Point. 

I went back to Cave Point back in 2015 with the hubby. He was not as impressed with the crashing waves as I was. I really wanted to see nature's fury of ice formations on the cliffs. Based on the geological make up of the cliffs, the waves crash up quite high on the cliffs even on what would seem like a calm day.

It was a fairly warm day for end of February. The waves were crashing and spraying quite high up the cliff.

The ice was fascinating. I didn't want to get to close to the edge to get pictures. Knowing my luck, I would slip and end up the lake. 

Cave Point park is fabulous any time of the year. The crashing waves, the hiking trails, the views. It is just outside of Whitefish Dunes State park so you can walk into Whitefish Dunes State Park from the trail of Cave Point. 

If you are on your way up to the Door Peninsula, take a detour and check out the waves at Cave Point. It's a just outside of Sturgeon Bay and near Door Peninsula Winery on the lake side. It's always great to get and enjoy nature.

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