Saturday, February 20, 2021

21 in 2021: Try a new Fruit -- Dragon fruit Trials

 Last year when I made my 20 in 2020 list, I added try a new fruit. Due to the pandemic and pure laziness on my behalf that never happened. So I put it on my 21 in 2021 list. Erin said she was going to bring star fruit to our next gathering for me to try. 

As we planned the lasagna party, Erin said she was bringing fruit so I could try star fruit. However, it is February in Wisconsin and exotic fruits aren't the easiest to come to by. I told her if she couldn't find star fruit that dragon fruit, jack fruit, or prickly pear would also work. I said to text me from the store and I would let her know if I've eaten the fruit in question.

She didn't find star fruit but got dragon fruit instead. I got a text asking "yellow" or "red". I didn't know there was a difference. I picked red since that is what was pictured in my mine mind. 

Erin took care of peeling the dragon fruit beforehand. She said she had to Google how to peel a dragon fruit. I would had to google it as well. Janis cut the dragon fruit into pieces at the party. She cut them into round slices.

A dragon fruit is similar to a kiwi and a pear. It a soft fruit with many seeds. 

If you eat a dragon fruit with it hitting the front of your tongue, it really has no taste. Since it's not really a sweet fruit, the flavor comes from the side of your tongue. I really didn't get much flavor either way. This was probably a good thing since it wasn't absolutely disgusting. It was actually quite interesting. The seeds didn't really bother me. 

I think I would have liked it to have more flavor. It was kind of blah tasting to me. I would definitely eat it again. Since it is on the softer side, it might be good in a tropical fruit salad with mango, kiwi, passion fruit, and some fresh coconut. Maybe I can convince Erin to do that for our next get together minus the coconut for Danielle.

I still want try star fruit and other exotic fruits. Stay tuned for more fruit trials. 

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