Saturday, February 27, 2021

4840. See the frozen waterfall at Wequiock Falls

 A friend posted about their afternoon at Wequiock Falls on Facebook and I was like I want to go. They falls were still frozen and I've not seen them frozen. I asked Shannon if they were interested if going with me. They were.

On our way bac from Cave Point, we stopped at Wequiock Falls County Park to see the waterfall. Being such a nice day, it was quite busy. We had to park on the road and over to the falls. I've been there once before with Rick and Shannon but never when the falls were frozen. 

There is an observation deck that you can climb down to see the falls from. You can also walk all the way to the bottom and the carefully walk across the mud, snow and ice to get a better view of the falls. That's what I did. You had to be patient and navigate around people as well. It was worth it though.

The frozen falls were gorgeous but starting to melt. This was probably the last weekend that there would be frozen especially with temperatures in the 50s to start the week. 

I just wish we were there with less people so I could have taken pictures in front of the main falls. There was a photo shoot going on as well so I didn't want to disturb the either. 

After taking the picture in front of the side falls, I opted to slide down the incline on my butt versus trying not to slip going down the ice. It worked well. I almost made it back to the stairs without falling then my foot slipped and my hand (and phone) landed in a cold puddle of clay. We both survived and was able to wash most of the gunk of my hands in the creek. When we got back to the car, I used water and tissues to clean up better.

It was definitely a sight to see. I have to remember to go check out Wequiock Falls every year in winter and maybe Fonfrek Glen as well. 

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