Saturday, February 20, 2021

4747. See the Ice Sculptures downtown Appleton

 Every year the city of Appleton places ice sculptures on College Ave. They are carved by local artists. I've checked them out before. Since I really wanted good bagels, I had to head down town to pick up bagels at Bagelicious. I figured since I was already downtown, I might as well walk College Ave to see the ice sculptures. 

The ice sculptures were placed the entire length of College Ave from State Street to Drew Street on both sides of the street.. roughly a 3/4 of a mile. Many local businesses also had special deals for the ice sculptures. 

I was disappointed that many of the ice sculptures were advertisements for the business that sponsored the ice sculpture. I would have preferred to see more animals and abstract shapes... not squares that depicted the name of a business craved in ice.

There were some repeats from other years

My favorite definitely was not square.

I did not walk all the way up to State Street since I didn't think there was anything up that way. Because of this, I miss this sculpture.

Even though we were outside, most people wore masks and kept a decent distance apart. I am fast walker and got chided by a lady because I was too close to her. I eventually was able to pass her. 

I am glad I decided to head out and check out the ice sculptures. It was a nice morning for a walk and it was great to get outside. I will try again to see them every year to see if they are still so boxy or if they are actual sculptures. 

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