Saturday, February 27, 2021

827. Carve my initials in a tree

 I always though it would be cool to carve my initials in a tree so it went on the bucket list. Little did I know it was going to hurt the tree. For this reason alone I never did it.. not even to the giant half dead tree in my parent's backyard.

While walking the trails of Cave Point, an opportunity presented itself to carve my initials in a tree. The dead had fallen over and was already dead. No killing of trees for me.

However, I was expecting to carve my initials in a tree today so I didn't bring anything with to carve my initials in a tree.. pen knife, pocket knife, nail, etc. 

Luckily this tree trunk was quite soft and I was able to carve my initials into the trunk using my finger nail. I had to rush since Rick and Shannon started back without me. The "A" was easy. The "L" was a little more different. You can see the "A" really well in the picture.

The bigger question is will the tree still be there the next time I go to Cave Point? Will I be able to find my initials amongst the hundreds of other initials? Time will only tell. Maybe next trip I will come prepared to leave a more permanent mark.

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