Tuesday, July 19, 2016

#662 Catch Fireflies on a Summer Night

On our way home from dinner, Stacy get s a text from Jeremy telling her not to come home since he was trying to put Riley to bed and was afraid our coming home would not help in getting him to sleep. As we were driving, I noticed fireflies flickering in the dark. I said we should catch fireflies since I never caught them before. And since it was on the bucket list, Stacy agreed. Then we discovered the problem with this idea…we had nothing to catch them with or put them in. We thought about stopping at Pick n Save and picking something up. Then Stacy remembered a container she had in the trunk.

When we got to Whitnall Park, Stacy pulls out a container that is full of bungee cords and dumps out the bungee cords. Then she remembered she had this old container of pretzels in the back seat and dumped out the pretzels. We now had containers… we just had to catch the little buggers.

Trying to catch Fireflies. Apparently they don't take good pictures either

This proved to be more difficult than expected… probably because it was dark out instead of dusk so all we could see were the glow of the fireflies as they flickered on and off. I figured out that there were more by the bushes than out in the open so I stuck close to the bushes. After a couple of tries, I got one. We tried to move it to the other container and it flew away. I managed to catch another one and we got it into the bigger jar. I successfully caught fireflies on a summer night with nothing more than a bungee cord jar and pure luck.

Fireflies in a jar

This is exactly how it should have been. Laughing and running around a grassy field on a summer night with a friend or two while trying to catch fireflies. Next time though we will be better prepared. Stacy really should start carrying a butterfly net around with her in her car. She might never know when she or Riley would need one.

Courtesy of Garfield.com.

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