Friday, July 15, 2016

3865.Go to Chalk on the Town in Appleton

For the last couple of years, I always wanted to go to Chalk the Town in Appleton as part of Art on the Town series. Baseball always interfered... it is Legion play-offs. This year I decided to go to skip baseball and do Chalk the Town instead. I'm thinking I should have stuck with baseball. I wasn't overly impressed. It was cool but only good for about an hour. Danielle and the family met me there. I also met up with Tara and her daughter for a little bit.
Photo courtesy of Danielle

Local artists created chalk art on the sidewalk with theme of downtown Appleton. There were not as many artists as I expected. I was expected the entire sidewalk to be covered in chalk murals. There were a good 20+ but I was expecting a lot more. At first Danielle, the family and I headed west from Houdini Plaza and saw only a handful of chalk drawings. After they left, I headed in the east and found a lot more. I'll let you be the judge. I'll point out my favorites.

 These next 5 are all part of the same drawing. 
It was an open space with a circular planter in the middle.
I'm pretty sure it was done by the same person who paints the murals.

This is one of my favorites. You can't see it real well in the picture, but there's glitter on the blue flower

Harry Houdini

I like Barbie too

Kids (and adults) were able to create their own masterpieces on the sidewalk in front of Houdini Plaza. We had to go hunt down some more chalk in order to have a rainbow of colors. I was covered in pink chalk just by sitting on the ground. Anytime I can be a kid again is fun.

Photo Courtesy of Danielle

My really bad Pac Man and his ghost. 

The best part was Appleton Airport was there handing out free ice cream and sunglasses. We were both surprised that there were no other food vendors there. I would have thought a few food trucks would have been parked so people could eat. I guess that's what the restaurants are for.

Danielle took the same picture but from the top of the stairs. 
It's a spilled paint can. I thought it was a waterfall.

Will I go again? Maybe if the schedule allows. Maybe I will go later in the evening (it went from 2-8) when most of the chalk drawings are done. It's nice to see but I'm not going to go out of my way to get there every year.

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