Wednesday, July 13, 2016

3893. Go to the Green Bay Botanical Gardens

At my tea party in May, Amanda mentioned she would like to do something fun wearing her fancy hat. We agreed this would be fun. I discovered the Green Bay Botanical Gardens were free on Wednesday nights in summer and I thought that would be fun to go to wearing fancy hats. We originally planned on going in early June but Mother Nature had other plans and we rescheduled for tonight. Mother Nature still threatened to rain us out again but the storms never materialized. Even though it was hot, there was a periodic breeze that helped.

When Danielle and I were at the gardens in winter, we decided we wanted to see the gardens in bloom. We only saw a small portion of the gardens when we were there last as we didn’t follow the path to the lower gardens. Because it would have messed with Danielle’s mojo if we went counterclockwise, we tried to follow a clockwise pattern through the gardens. That only worked for so long before we got turned around in the lower gardens. It would have been nice to have a map.

We spent about an hour or so wandering through the gardens, avoiding Pokeman seekers, and trying not to lose our hats when the wind blew. I really enjoyed seeing all the flowers. I am not a big plant person but I do appreciate pretty looking flowers. There were a lot of non-flowering plants and shrubs which although nice, I didn’t spend much time looking at. Besides flowers, plants, and shrubs there were garden statues and structures scattered about. The gardens are beautiful and a great place for taking pictures, wandering the paths, and getting back to nature. I wish the Pokeman hunters would have taken time to appreciate the gardens while catching Pokeman and friends. They really don’t know what they were missing.

We even saw a fairy garden.

 There was a garden in a garden as Danielle liked to call it...

And they even were growing beer.. I mean hops

My favorite place in the gardens was the children’s gardens. You can water the animals, it is fun to play in, look at Mr. McGregor’s House from Peter Rabbit, and watch the giant goldfish. It was great place to take pictures. If we got there before 6:00, there would have been activities for kids… hopefully big kids too.

There were buildings scattered throughout. And plenty of statues and ornaments to look at too.

If the Gardens were even closer than Green Bay, I would be there every Wednesday. It is a nice place to walk around and there are minor hills so I even get a hill work out. Now I have a collection of pretty flower pictures…maybe one day I will frame them and put them up.

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