Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Kiwi Adventure

I am not a fruit eater. My fruit repertoire basically consists of bananas, melon, raspberries, cherries, pears, and an occasional apple. I can do pineapple if cut up in sugar and it is not woody. The hubs made me try pineapple in sugar last summer and I discovered I can eat that way. I absolutely detest strawberries and blueberries.

My kiwi

In order to earn wellness dollars for HSA, I have to do all sorts of challenges. One was to try a new fruit. Initially I thought about having a fruit party to try several fruits with a bunch of friends and I still may do this. However, I noticed Pick 'n Save had kiwi on sale for 2/$1. I figured for $0.50 I can try kiwi. This actually counted as 2 challenges I discovered later.

We were at Festival and I decided I wanted a kiwi. After searching for them, I couldn't find any. The hubs found them. I was looking for a green fruit not a brown fuzzy one. I grabbed one without checking to see if it was ripe or not.

My kiwi was overripe and very difficult to eat since I never cut one before.It was not very pretty to look at after I attempted to skin it. I wonder if my pampered chef peeler would work on it....

My attempt at cutting/peeling my kiwi
My initial reaction -- it tasted like a cross between a strawberry and melon. I had no idea what to expect. A few on my friends said I would like it. And surprisingly I did. I just need to learn to pick a good kiwi and to eat it right away.
What was left after I was finish mutilating my kiwi 

My biggest concern going in was the seeds. Part of the reason I don't like strawberries are the seeds. I didn't even notice the seeds. This was definitely a plus.

Next up... mango.


  1. Do a google search on how to eat a kiwi and you will get some good ideas on how to peel. I sometimes cut them in half crosswise and scoop out fruit with a spoon. Can't wait until you get to the pomegranate. :)

  2. I thought I knew what I was doing. I really think my kiwi was too ripe and my spoon was too big
