Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Bucket List

I like to pick 5-10 items from my original bucket list to attempt to complete in a year. The original bucket list is at 1,000 items with the expanded bucket list over 6,400 (more about those later).

This year's list includes:

1. See Annie the live theater Production -- tickets have been bought to go see it when it comes to Appleton in March.

2. Go to Chocolate Fest -- many of my friends say to skip this because it is not worth the money. However, I still want to go and decide for myself. I don't have to attend the entire weekend, just long enough to see what it is all about. 

3. Go to the Horicon Marsh -- hopefully this year this will actually happen. I have wanted to see this for years now and had tentative plans to visit it last year but it never worked out.

4. Have a tea party -- I never had a tea party before. I am not even a big tea drinker. I think this would be fun to do. I have a vision of what I how I would like it to be. I have a couple friends that have been enlisted to help me on this one.

5. Go to the Flag Day Parade -- the one in Waubeka, not Appleton as Waubeka is the birthplace of Flag Day. 

6. Do a Beer Run -- possibly the one in Kohler in October 

7. Go to the Mall of America -- I will be going at the end of the month

8. Go to the Hamburger Museum -- this is technically closed but the Seymour Historical Museum has the all the memoriablia so now just need to get there in August when it is all on display.

9. Go to the Mayville School Museum -- I hope to see this when I go to the Horicon Marsh.

10. Go to the Flag Day Museum -- I hope to see this when I attend the Flag Day Parade

The other thing I want to do is complete a photo challenge. 

I can't wait to start on some of these adventures and other adventures through the year.

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