Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 2015 Photo Challenge

One of my bucket list adventures for this year is to take a picture a day for a year. To help with this, I am doing the CY365 Photo Challenge. I also wanted to create my own list so I would have multiple pictures for each day.  After utilizing pinterest for several January photo challenges, I have come up with my own list. I wanted to keep it as fun and carefree as possible. Something I could easily snap with my phone.

1. 00.01 AM
2. New beginnings
3. Something you use every day
4. Form of communication
5. With a fork
6. Remnants of December
7. Boots
8. Your sky
9. Liquid
10. Childhood
11. Breakfast
12. Something you wore
13. In your bag
14. Something you're reading
15. Three things
16. Framed by a doorway
17. Folded
18. Bundled up
19. Frozen
20. Street
21. In a bowl
22. Your shoes
23. Something old
24. Guilty pleasure
25. Looking up
26. Looking down
27. Lunch
28. Sunset
29. Inside your fridge
30. On a bench
31. Everyday messes

Tag your pictures as #craxipicchallenge if you decide to do my photo challenge.

Today's photos
CY365: Good Morning 2015. Looking down from our balcony to the first snow of 2015

Craxi Photo Challenge: 00:01 Still awake (barely) as the new year comes in

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