Friday, January 16, 2015

Flashback Friday #811 Fly a Kite

I never flew a real kite. As a kid, we made kites of out of sticks and newspaper but they never really got off the ground. I wanted to fly a kite up to the highest heights and I knew Mackinac Island would be a great place to do this. When planning our trip, I told the hubs I wanted to fly a kite and he just rolled his eye but agreed. At first I wanted a cool kite and even bought one that looked like an airplane. It even had a propeller. The only problem was we weren't sure how we would get to the island so I took it back and bought a much smaller "normal" looking kite that fit in my luggage.

Tuesday it rained most of the day in Mackinac Island. We spent the morning exploring and shopping. In the afternoon, it seemed to stop enough that I could go kite flying. Our resort had a nice lawn area that was perfect for kite flying and since it was still misting and not all that nice, no one was out there. After  few attempts at launching the kite, we finally got it airborne. It stayed up there kite awhile. I'm not quite sure what the excitement of flying a kite is but once you it gets up in the wind, there isn't a whole to do except to make sure it stays up there. I found the whole thing to be boring after awhile. Good thing we had a boomerang too since only one of us could fly the kite at a time. Next time the hubby wants to get a long string and get it up to 1,000 feet. That could be fun. When we were done, we packed the kite up and took it back on the ferry with us to use another windy day.

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