Friday, January 2, 2015

#482 Make Homemade Donuts

Today I attempted "real" homemade donuts meaning from scratch and without a donut maker. In the past I have made donut holes and mini donuts using my donut maker.

I asked for full size donut pans for Christmas and did not get them. I picked up 2 of them at Bed, Bath, and Beyond earlier in the week. I was excited to try my go to chocolate donut recipe from Something Swanky in them but the hubs doesn't really care for chocolate. I mentioned that I might just make funfetti donuts using a cake mix. He didn't want a donut that tasted like cake. He wanted a light, airy sugary donut. Back to pinterest I went and found these from Krissy's Creations. They looked pretty good and didn't seem too complicated.

After procrastinating some this morning, I decided to give them a try. I knew they were going to be a bit of a time consuming project with letting the dough rise twice but I had all day to get them done.

After mixing everything together and kneading it, I let it rise for an hour. Luckily the hubs, is more observant than I am and knew that it truly doubled in size.

Then I rolled it out and cut it out. I do not have a donut cutter yet so I ended up using 2 of my biscuit cutters. The large one to for the actual donut and the small one for the middle. I did not use a lot of pressure so at first I had to tear some of the donuts from the dough.

I used the middles to make donut holes. Both the donuts and the donut holes had to rise again for 45 minutes before they could be baked. I used this time wisely and went for a quick walk around the neighborhood.

Fresh out of the oven donuts. They did not rise as much as I thought they would. 

All covered in cinnamon and sugar.

Truthfully, I was quite disappointed on how these turned out. They were not light and airy at all. I believe I over baked them as I did not think they were slightly golden brown and let them bake longer. The donut holes are better since they only baked for about 7 minutes instead of 9. I will probably give these another shot and see if I can figure out what went wrong. I also look forward to using my new donut pans in the near future.

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