Saturday, January 24, 2015

#3640 -- Go to Heckrodt Wetland Preserve

We live near two nature centers -- 1000 Islands Environmental Center in Kaukauna and Heckrodt Wetland Preserve in Menasha. I drive by Heckrodt all the time and never had the time to stop. Today, they were forecasting rather unseasonably warm temperatures and cloudy skies. I decided it would be a good day to go on a hike on my way back from my friend's Jewelry in Candles party.

Heckrodt is smaller than 1000 Islands with only a few trails. It has a lot of boardwalks instead of just trails through the woods. If I'm going hiking, I want to hike and not just walk on boardwalks. I understand the need for the boardwalks, I am just not a big fan. I would rather tromp through the woods. The boardwalks do get slippery with the melting slush and I nearly slipped several times even in my boots.

The highlight of my hike was seeing two deer feeding right near the nature center. They were the only wildlife I really saw. Those two deer must been the same ones we saw last on the way home from basketball.

Heckrodt is nice for a short little hike. They have clearly marked trails and plenty of benches to view wildlife. I will go back again when the opportunity arises but if I want to do real hiking I will stick to 1000 Islands.

I think next time I go when there is a bit more snow on the ground and then again in the early days of spring when everything is fresh and new. Fall would be another great time to go.

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