Saturday, August 5, 2023

5536. Go to DAS Fest USA in Elkhorn

 While looking for things to do in the Milwaukee area, I saw that DAS Fest was the weekend, I was going to be down by Stacy. I know they have gone in the past and I figured Stacy wouldn't mind going again.

DAS Fest is a small German Fest in Elkhorn. It is at the Walworth County Fairgrounds. It is a 3 day festival running Friday night through Sunday evening. Admission is free but parking is $5 donation -- you have pay no matter what so it's not really a donation.

It is your typical German Fest... beer, music, and wurst. There are some games and rides for the kids. There is a giant tent of German shopping. You can get your own pair of lederhosen or a drindle. We didn't buy anything.

The most amusing activity of the afternoon were the glassblowers. Because it was warm out, they were shirtless. I am not sure I want to blow glass near an open flame without a shirt. I guess that's why they are professionals, I just watch.

There were 3 stages of bands. We only saw one and they were your typical German Oompa-Oompa band. We didn't really listen or dance any polkas. We just weren't feeling it.

Besides drinking and listening to music, there was not a whole lot else to do. We really weren't in the mood to drink. There was a stein holding contest that we missed. We never did find the wine tasting.

We just wandered around for a bit. Of course no festival is complete without a pictures in a German hat in front as many backgrounds and cut outs as you can find. Yes, Stacy really does have German hats.  I may have to think about getting one.

Because visiting one cabin in a day is not enough, we checked out the random in the fairgrounds. I am not quite sure what it historical significance is but it is kept up. It is a lovely one room cabin with a fireplace. I wish I remembered to look for the historical significance of the cabin.

DAS Fest is great if you are going to drink beer and hang out. DAS Fest is really boring otherwise. We probably were there maybe 45 minutes. It probably took us longer to get there than we were actually at DAS Fest. 

Don't get me wrong, if you have a bunch of beer drinking friends, DAS Fest is worth checking out. If you are looking for more activities in a bigger space, stick with Germanfest in Milwaukee. 

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