Sunday, August 6, 2023

5341. Go to the Lion’s Den Gorge Nature Preserve in Grafton

 Everyone always talked about what a nice place Lion's Den Gorge Nature Preserve was. I have always wanted to check it out. Lil' Bro and I tried to check it out a number of years ago and could find parking. We ended up at Lime Kiln Park instead. 

Since Lion's Den has been on my short list every year for the last couple of years, I decided to add to my adventure when the hubby was away. I was initially going to go on my way down to Stacy's but just couldn't get moving. Then I asked Lil' Bro if he wanted to join me on Sunday morning before going to see Andrea. He agreed.

Lion's Den Gorge Nature Preserve is in the town of Grafton on the shores of Lake Michigan. It is open daily from 6 AM to 9 PM (or dawn to dusk). There is no cost to visit. Parking seemed to be better than last time we tried to visit. We both found spots to park.

There are several trails you can take. Some of them are boardwalks. Some are a paved road. Others are wood chips. 

We started out on the Lion's Den Trail which gave us views of Lake Michigan. You can walked down to the beach using a set of steep stairs. We did not not venture down to the beach.

Because the trail is on the edge of a bluff, you have to be careful not to get to close. They have been many rescue calls for people falling over the ledge.

We really just wandered a few trails. Eventually we turned around and headed back to our cars. If it was just me, I would have explored more. But with little legs of my niece, we had to go at her pace. I never made it to the gorge or the bridge over the gorge. There's always next trip

It was definitely a perfect morning for a hike. There were people but it was not overly crowded. Sunday mornings must be the time to go.

If you are in the Milwaukee area, this is definitely a place you want to check out. Just be careful.

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