Saturday, August 5, 2023

5425. Visit the W. Ben Hunt Cabin in Hales Corners

 I didn't know that Hales Corners had a museum. It is such a small urban community. When Stacy said that we could check out the Ben Hunt Cabin, I was all for it. I like random museums and cabins. 

The W. Ben Hunt cabin is located behind the Hales Corners Library. It is only open the first Saturday of the month May-November (1-3 PM) as well as July 4th (12-3 PM) and the first Saturday in December for tree lighting (5:30-7 PM). Admission is free but do accept donations.

Ben Hunt wanted to build a log cabin based on his childhood memories. He built it for fun. Basically he wanted to see if he could do it. The cabin was never lived in but used as a gathering place for family and friends. Ben built the cabin in 1924 using no written instructions or hand tools.

The cabin is not large by any means (16x28). The main room features a wooden dug out canoe and various tools that were collected over the years along with a stone fireplace complete with a buffalo head.

The smaller rooms feature tools and Native American artifacts. 

Since the cabin is not large, it does not take much time to go through it if you just look. However, if you take the time to peruse the history of Hales Corners and the surrounding communities, it may take you awhile. There are a lot of interesting artifacts including a whole case of moccasins. 

The W. Ben Hunt Cabin may not be large and you could possibly over look it when driving through town, but it is definitely worth checking out. The volunteers love visitors and love chatting with them. 

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