Saturday, December 3, 2022

5286. Go to Broken Bat Brewery

 Across the street from the Bobblehead Museum, is Broken Bat Brewery. Jeremy decided he wanted a beer, so we headed inside.

Broken Bat Brewery is a baseball themed craft brewery. They did a have a small collection of bobbleheads in the back corner.

All the beers are baseball themed. We opted to go with two flights. Funny enough after we decided which beers we wanted to sample, it ended up being numbers 9-16. 

My two favorites were the Mango Smoothie Seltzer and Darryl. The Seltzer, technically not a beer, but was probably hands down the best seltzer I ever hand. It didn't have the carbonation factor that other seltzers have. It was smooth and refreshing. 

The Darryl, a nod to Darryl Strawberry, was a Strawberry Kettle Sour beer. I am not much of a fan beer but give me a sour any day. I don't know why but I can tolerate sours a whole lot more than regular beer. Even though it was a strawberry beer, it still had really good flavor. 

At one point, I said one of the beers was too "beery". Stacy said we had to work on my beer vocabulary. What? It tasted too much like regular beer. 

Stacy and I also each had a sample of Kangaroo Court because it just sound interesting. It was a watermelon Kolsch. Again not bad but I liked the seltzer and sour better.

The other really cool thing about Broken Bat Brewery, it is 100% dog friendly. At first I was a little weirded out by this but since no one else found it weird, I just went with the flow. All the dogs were well behave.... for the most part.

This is definitely a nice stop before or after the bobblehead museum if you are into craft beer. It has plenty of TVs to watch the game and plenty of seating to hang out with friends. It was a great choice to relax before having to head back and bake more cookies.

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