Sunday, December 18, 2022

7475. Make a 3D Snowflake

 My cousin text me the other day and said she was going to bake cookies but decided to make a 3D snowflake that she saw hanging at work. She said I could handle make it. I wasn't too sure but I always thought they were impressive looking. I decided to give it a try especially since she sent me a YouTube video.


-- 6 pieces of Square Paper
-- Tape

I was concerned when I needed square paper. I thought I had to wait until Heather and I got together so she could cut my paper for me. Then my cousin told me just fold the paper into diagonally and cut off the excess. Doh.. paper folding 101. I was off to a great start.


1. Fold paper diagonally to make a triangle

2. Fold triangle in half to make a smaller triangle

3. Cut 3 slits equally spaced apart on one of the short side. What the video failed to tell us was that you needed to make your cuts from one short side to the other short side. It took me several tries to get this right. Needless to say I was about to give up.

4. Unfold your triangle and tape the tip of the inner points together.

5. Flip it over and tape the next set of points together. Repeat this process two more times so all the points are taped.

6. Repeat with the other 5 pieces of paper

7. Take two pieces of paper and tape the ends together. Tape where they meet in the middle together.

8. Repeat with the other 5 points.

Ta-Da you now have a giant 3D snowflake.

I am quite impressed. If I had a place to hang them, I would make more. The one I have is hanging in the office window.

I guess this was my year to get crafty. It was an easy(ish) winter craft that didn't really take much more than 15-30 minutes to make once I figured out how to cut the slits. 

Maybe I will make another one next year with light blue and white paper. Or sparkly paper. The possibilities are endless. 

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