Tuesday, December 6, 2022

7330. Go to a book launch party

 Kimberly Library was having an author event. I love author events. I didn't know the author but that didn't matter. You never know what new author and/or book you will discover if you go.

It turns out not only was it a book event, it was a launch party for Leah Dobrinska's new book "Death Checked Out" which is set in the Northwoods. Leah Dobrinska is actually from Kimberly and this is her first book in her new cozy mystery series. She has a small town romance series as well. 

After a brief introduction, Leah read the first chapter of her new book which she had to do from her Kindle since the actual books were stuck in distribution somewhere. Then she opened the floor for questions. There were a lot of good questions. 

The first question was "what is a cozy mystery." This made me laugh as one of my book club members despises cozy mysteries. A cozy mystery is a mystery is usually set in a small town where an amateur sleuth helps solve a murder in town. I am not a huge fan of cozy mysteries but will read one from time to time. 

After answering questions, we had time for cake and book signings. 

Since Death Checked Out was not available for purchase, I bought the first book in the Mapleton series which of course I got signed. I chatted with Leah for a few minutes.

Like most author events, it was a good time. I found a new author, bought a book, and even ate carrot cake. I am always happy when I can support a local author.

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