Saturday, December 10, 2022

7443. Be in an Art Show

 Kimberly Library was having a tiny art show. All you had to do was a pick up a kit from the library in November and return by the end of the month. When I sent the hubby to pick up tickets to see Elvis John, I made him pick me up a kit as well. 

He came home with the tiniest canvas I ever saw. It was about 2"x2". We were advised to paint a nostalgic winter scene. I was going to cheat and ask Heather to make a template out of vinyl but then I figured I could handle painting a snowman. I think I did a fairly good job. I am not an artist and I can not blend colors or create contour to save my life. It is cute and whimsical. 

The canvases were due back by November 30. I expected the art show to be put up by Dec 3rd. It wasn't ready until yesterday. I was at the library 3 times this week and I still couldn't see the art show. Luckily I had a book come in and was able to swing by today while I did errands.

There were about 25 canvases returned. Some of them are way above my skill level and are gorgeous. My favorite is the skis. 

Others were done by kids are just as fun and whimsical as mine. 

All of them are unique and shows the artist's idea of a winter. 

The tiny art show runs through the end of January. If you get a chance go check it out. 

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