Saturday, December 17, 2022

4942. Go to a Christmas Concert at Lawrence Chapel

 Danielle mentioned she was going to Menasha Library and I was like check for a FAN Pass not really expecting them to have any. She sent me a picture of the two FAN Passes available -- both to Christmas concerts at Lawrence Chapel. The one was the same day I was going to Christmas Stars and the other was a week later. I told her to get the later one. She was unable to go with me since she had to work.

What FAN pass did she get me? NEW Voices Concert: "Gather 'Round the Manager." I had my choice of times 2 PM or 7:30 PM. I decided to do the late show since the hubby had basketball at 7. Brenda came along with me.

The concert was at Lawrence Chapel. Neither of us had been to the chapel. I was really looking forward to this as I've always wanted to see the inside of the chapel and the grand pipe organ. Parking wasn't as bad as I feared. When I got to the chapel, there was plenty of room in the small lot. I was wondered I'd have to park on the street on walk in the cold night air. The nice thing about parking in the lot, there is a ramp that leads you up to the doors of the chapel. 

Inside was smaller than we expected but still grand. I chose seats on the main level so we didn't have to climb the stairs to the balcony. The one side of the chapel is the even seats and the other side odd seats clarified why we had seats 7 and 9. We were five rows back from the stage so we had a great view of the show.

The concert itself was beautiful. The choir sang a multitude of Christmas songs many of which I have never heard or done in newer versions. As audience members were asked to sing a long to several songs as well. The opening and closing songs we just sang the last verse of the song the choir as it was a familiar carol even though the song was not. We also sang two complete songs. It was amazing to be singing Christmas Carols as a group. I miss caroling not that I could carry a tune.

A few things that surprised me.

1. The conductor used an IPad with his scores loaded on to it so he just had to swipe the screen to turn the page. The pianist also used a IPad but I don't think he had to swipe. The choir used traditional choir folders with sheet music. I found the IPads a bit odd at first but they are actually very smart. 

2. One of the flutist had a gold flute. I don't know why this amused me but it did. She was very good.

3. The last song, Peace, Peace, featured handbells. There was a bigger guy ringing small bells. I thought they usually got the big bells. I'm just glad there were some handbells.

I am really glad that Danielle picked up the FAN pass for me. It gave me a chance to get some more Christmas spirit, see a group I would not normally see, and see the Lawrence Chapel. If you ever get a chance to see the NEW Voice Christmas Concert either at Lawrence Chapel or the Cathedral in Green Bay, do it. It is a beautiful show.

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