Friday, July 9, 2021

4896. See the Catfish Races at the Catfish Extravaganza in Greenville

 The hubby was in Greenville for softball. The softball diamonds and Lions Park is only a short walk down the bike path away. I decided I wanted to go to the catfish races. Kas and her family decided to join me. 

What is a catfish race? It is exactly what is sounds like.. seeing what catfish swims the fastest. The Lions Club of Greenville host an annual Catfish Extravaganza and the main attraction is betting on these swimming races. 

 There are 8 different plexiglass tanks (lanes) set up. Each lane holds one fish. A member of the Lions Club is at one end and a random kid at the other end with a flag. The Lions Club member pulls the gate when it's time to race and helps guide the fish along. The kids lift their flag when the fish makes it to the other end. 

To make it even more exciting, you can bet on which fish is going to win. $1 a bet and you tell them what color you think is going to win. The announcer then rolls a dice to see how much you'll make if that color wins. If he rolls a two, you get $2 for every dollar bet. Different businesses sponsors the fish. I let a preschooler pick my color and it was not the winning color. I suppose if I won, I would have had to split my winnings.

As odd as it sounds, it is an good time. People really get into betting on the catfish. The kids like to be the finish line. The announcer is a hoot. 

Like I mentioned, the catfish races are only a part of the Catfish Extravaganza. There is also a catfish dinner as well as other burgers and brats for those not liking catfish. I did try a piece of catfish. The first bite wasn't bad but after the 2nd bite, I was like "nope, you can keep your catfish."

There is also a lot of children's activities since it is a family friendly. There are inflatables, climbing wall, princesses, clowns, magic shows, and games. There is also a band at the end of the night which is different than the Catfish Concert the following night.

Personally once you see the catfish races once, you really don't need to see them again but it is a great way to continue to support the Lions Club. The event is a great family friendly event and the races are exciting but it's racing catfish. Enjoy the games, beer, and music. Bet a dollar against your favorite color catfish. Support the community. 

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