Saturday, July 24, 2021

4962. Go to Scray Hill in Ledgeview

 The hubby has asked numerous times if I've been to the top of Scray Hill. The answer always has been no. We can always see Scray Hill because all the radio/TV antennae are on the top of the hill but I've never been to the top. Heck, I never knew you could drive to the top of the hill. 

After Natalie's graduation party, I headed over to Patrick's baseball game since it was also in De Pere. It turns out he was at Mulva Family Fields in Ledgeview which happens to be at the very top of Scray Hill. The diamonds are actually very nice diamonds.

The hubby told me how to get home after I left the diamonds. The games weren't that exciting and it was HOT. He said I could see into Green Bay if I turned left and then right when I left the diamonds. So I did.

The view was very nice. It was a bit hazy so Green Bay and Lambeau Field were not that easy to see. Besides it's quite difficult to look at a view while driving an unknown road. The road is a bit windy but it will eventually lead you down to 57 or back to De Pere.

Hopefully one day I can get back and the hubby is driving so I can enjoy the view. If you are in the area, the drive is worth it. I kind of wish there was an overlook so you can pull off and enjoy the view. 

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