Friday, July 30, 2021

5380. Go to the Chippewa Valley Museum in Eau Claire

 The other museum I wanted to go to was the Chippewa Valley Museum. It was in the same park as the Logging Museum and if you visited both museums, you got a discount. It wasn't high on my priority list as the logging museum but if we had time, we might as well check it out.

The Chippewa Valley Museum is open Wednesday through Sunday 12-5 and Tuesdays 5-8 this year. It is $10 for adults and $5 for students. The combo ticket for adults is $16. 

The Chippewa Valley Museum is a history museum that encompasses the history of the Chippewa Valley from the 1600s all the way to present day. There are two many exhibit areas plus two smaller exhibit areas.

The first exhibit area is called Changing Currents features exhibits about how newcomers to the area integrated into their time and place. There are several different modes of transportation to explore from this area as well a trading post and really nice exhibit on the Uniroyal plant in Eau Claire.

The second exhibit area is called Farm Life. And you guessed it, it shows the change in farming through the history of the Chippewa Valley. It has a farm house and a rural church among other exhibits.

Both exhibit areas were very well done and full of information. There is a lot to see and learn about it. 

Once you are done with those exhibits, there is an exhibit about Folk Music where you can learn about music in the Chippewa Valley. Another very well done exhibit. In the children's gallery is an exhibit about local children and their families.

Don't forget the old fashioned ice cream parlor that you can get a scoop of ice cream in after your tour.

Outside is an old one room schoolhouse that we weren't planning on going in but since it was open we did peek inside. The docent was very knowledgeable but it was like any other one room schoolhouse. 

The museum was amazing. I wish we had more time to fully explore it. Hopefully one day we will be able to go back and explore more. I felt we rushed through it because I wanted to get back to the diamond before our lunch got cold. But when got back, our lunch wasn't there yet. 

I would definitely stop at this museum if you are ever in Eau Claire. It is worth the time and money. 

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