Friday, July 30, 2021

5377. See the Hank Aaron statue at Carson Park in Eau Claire

 Ever since I heard that there was a Hank Aaron statue in Carson Park, I wanted to see it. We may have driven by it a few times but I actually wanted to get out of the car and see it. I met Hank Aaron as a kid when the Arby's in town opened. Seeing a statue in his honor where he started his Major League career was right up my alley.

I finally got my opportunity when we went to the Logging Museum and Chippewa Valley Museum. Since all of them are in Carson Park, it made sense to stop and check out the statue.

Hank Aaron's statue is in front of Carson Park stadium and is the focal point of the Eau Claire Baseball Hall of Fame. I didn't even know there was a Eau Claire Baseball Hall of Fame. You park in the lot and either walk up a flight of stairs or take the ramp to the small plaza. And there is Hank Aaron's bust in all his bronze glory.

I was slightly disappointed that it was not a full size statue instead of just a bust. It was still very cool to see. The Baseball Hall of Fame only has a handful of inductees but it was still very interesting to see who is the who's who of Eau Claire Baseball. I may have recognized one of the names.

For a baseball fan, the Hank Aaron statue and the Eau Claire Baseball Hall of Fame should be a stop when you are in the area. Just even if it's to a quick peek at history and go back in time for just a moment.

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