Wednesday, July 28, 2021

5518. See the talking cow in Neillsville

 On our way to Eau Claire, we always go by this giant cow. I kept telling the hubby we need to stop and check it out. He just rolled his eyes. I guess giant cows aren't really his thing. Then on our last trip to Eau Claire, he realized he needed a stretch break and I mentioned that the talking cow in Neillsville would make a good stop. He reluctantly agreed.

The talking cow is named Chatty Belle. She gives the history of the pavilion that she stands by. The pavilion and Chatty Belle both were part of the Wisconsin pavilion during the 1964-1965 World's Fair in New York. It does cost a quarter to listen to Chatty Belle but it is definitely worth it. I am slightly disappointed that her mouth doesn't mouth though.

After the fair, WCCN radio station bought the pavilion and moved it to Neillsville where they continue to operate a radio station out the pavilion.

Besides having a working radio station inside, there is also a gift shop that sells Wisconsin souvenirs, ice cream, chocolates, and wine. Yes the pavilion probably could use a paint job but it is a part of history.

If you are ever driving through Neillsville on US-10, be sure to stop and visit Chatty Belle. Then go insdie and grab some caramel, wine, or ice cream. There is also an old jail museum and an old schoolhouse we need to check out in Neillsville some day. 

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