Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Pottery Painting Fun

 FINALLY! We have in person library events. Kimberly library has started having in person library events as part of their summer reading program. All of them are at Sunset Park or another park in the community but it is still free in person fun.

One of the first events for adults and teens was a pottery painting event. You had to pre-register. I even made a note to remember to call first thing in the morning to register. I remembered at 3:15. I called and there was still a spot available. The adults painted mini plants and teens had the option of a panda or a owl. 

The event was held at one of the shelters in Sunset Park. We were given a piece to paint, water, brushes, and glazes.  We had five colors of glaze -- Red, Blue, Yellow, White, and Black. The teen girls across from me thought the red was pink. 

After consulting with Andrea regarding which team's colors to use, I got to work. Since the planter was hexagonal, I alternated colors. They advised to use 3 coats of glaze. It was hard to remember which diamond you started with. My piece had 4+ coats of glaze. If I remembered correctly from my middle school art days, the more coats, the more vibrant the color when fired.

When then left our pieces with the librarians who would take care of getting them fired at The Fire -- Paint Your Own Pottery Place downtown Appleton. 

Fearing the red was really pink if I figured it was either a pair of argyle socks or sweater type design or the Wisconsin Badger look I was going for.

About 2 weeks later, we were able to pick up our fired pieces. I was right it was red not pink. Those poor cats/pandas with red eyes and eyelashes instead of the pink the girls were going for. 

Mine turned out really well. Even the hubby was surprised. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with it since I tend to kill plants and it's really small to be a planter.

Hopefully the libraries will continue to have in person events whether outside or in the library. It is great to get back to some sort of normalcy. 

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