Saturday, February 1, 2020

6664. Try Tai Chi

Last 2 years the Kimberly-Little Chute Library offered free yoga on Saturday mornings in January and February. This year they were offering Tai Chi. It sounded interesting. It was something I always wanted to try. Try Tai Chi was on my 20 in 20 list. This was perfect.

The first 3 weeks Saturdays it snowed and the roads were awful. I decided to stay home. Yeah, I know.. real dedication. I knew I couldn't go to the last Saturday because I was meeting Andrea for coffee so I HAD to go this week. 

I had little expectations of Tai Chi. I knew it was similar to yoga but other than that I was clueless. Tai Chi is a meditative, healthy martial art from China.

Our instruction said we were doing Tai Chi Easy. And easy it was. It was very flowing. We practiced each movement by itself and then put it all together. We ended the class with the walking movement that incorporated some of the hand movements as well. It was a very relaxed and fun class. Even though it didn't seem like we were doing a lot, I was told our muscles would be sore the next day.

I really need to find some tai chi videos or free tai chi app that I can continue to practice tai chi. It is nice and relaxing. I like yoga for the stretching but tai chi is relaxing.   

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