Wednesday, February 12, 2020

63. Go to the Russian ballet

When I put go to the Russian Ballet on the bucket list back in 2001, I really meant to see it in Russia. Who would have thought I would actually see it in Appleton. I picked up a FAN pass to see Cinderella Ballet at the PAC performed by the Russian National Ballet. I've never been to the ballet and thought this would be a good opportunity to go. I never even realized "go to the Russian Ballet" was on the original bucket list until later. I categorized it under European Highlights which since I'm not planning on going to Europe any time soon, I usually skip that section when reviewing my list.

I know the story of Cinderella.. who doesn't?? However to see it performed live at the ballet is an unique experience. The story line follows the tale of Cinderella to a extent but it is done entirely different. She still has a wicked stepmother and stepsisters along with a fairy godmother. There is still a ball and a prince and lost slipper. But there are several other twists to it such as foreign dignitaries who perform at the ball. Disney may have ruined the whole Cinderella story by adding mice and pumpkins...

The other thing I forgot about the ballet, at least initially, that it's all classical music for the most part and there's no talking or narrator. The movements tell the story. It was very graceful and intricate. I was on the edge of my seat most of the show trying to follow the story.

The ballet was very well done. The gracefulness and stamina of the dancers is amazing to watch. I have a DVD of the NYC Ballet work out so I recognized some of the movements but they were way more graceful and skilled that I would ever be.

Musicals and plays are still my favorite form of theater but the ballet is not bad. I would definitely go again especially since see The Nutcracker is on the bucket list.

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