Saturday, February 29, 2020

Crawling through Oshkosh for Cocoa

I saw on Facebook that Downtown Oshkosh was doing a cocoa crawl. The price was reasonable and Danielle was willing to drink cocoa with me.

There was 18 stops mainly at businesses along Main Street in Oshkosh, two of which were food stops. That means there were 16 stops for cocoa... 16 samples of cocoa. It doesn't seem like a lot until you start drinking it.

Each business offered a sample of cocoa. It wasn't just plain cocoa. These were fancy cocoas. Most came with extras such as cookies, marshmallows, whipped cream, etc. That's a lot of sugar and richness. Donuts do not belong in Cocoa. I discovered I'm a traditionalist when it comes to cocoa.. marshmallows and whipped cream. Everything else makes a mess and gets stuck at the bottom.

Danielle made it about 10 stops before giving in to the sugar overload. I made it to 14 before giving up. After the trying the Nutella Hot Chocolate and heading back to the last couple stops I was like I can't do this any more. I think I am going to be sick. I really wanted to do the Quinntastic Cocoa at Caramel Crisp but I couldn't stand to look at any more cocoa.

Each stop you went to you could rate them. 1-5 cups and then vote for your favorite. The problem was the ballot drop off was really in the middle of the walk unless you crossed the street multiple times. We never did vote. However, if we did vote  I would have a hard time deciding between the Dark Chocolate Raspberry and the Neapolitan. Danielle would have voted for the Black Cherry Bourbon.

They either need to split the cocoa walk into two sections and you pick which side you want to go to or we need to take the full 3 hours to do the crawl to have time to rest our bellies between stops so we don't get sick. It's a great event. We found a few cute stores we wouldn't mind looking around in longer. I would definitely think about doing it again next year.

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